Important terms to be aware of

Throughout the liability claims process, there may be legal jargon used frequently. Below are some popular terms that you should be aware of so you understand if action is necessary and what certain documents may mean.

Claimant: The individual filing a claim against you, also referred to as the Third Party.

Statement of Claim, Notice of Civil Claim or Writ: Legal documents that start a lawsuit and outline the unproven allegations against you by the claimant. The allegations listed may have little or no bearing on actual facts of the incident and may seek monetary awards. It is important these documents are shared with your assigned Curo claims professional in a timely manner, if received. The claims professional can further explain the information included in the document and answer any questions you may have.

Limitation Period: The time period for a person to file a lawsuit for any injuries or damage sustained from an incident, which is two years from the date of the incident. If the claimant is a minor at the time of incident, the limitation period expires two years after the date they turn 18 years of age.